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over 50 blogs

On the Past, Present & Future 

Land, Life & People




Ireland's Ice Age, Ancient Giants,

and much, much more

Human Evolution,


blog info

The blogs are arranged into categories, each of which is displayed below. Simply click on the category you want to explore and all the blogs in that category will appear in a list. Then, just select which one you would like to read. Alternatively, scroll past the category strip to find all posts displayed together.

Once you have finished reading an individual blog, it is very easy to select another one to read. Scroll down to the 'Like What You've Read?' strip after the blog text where you can choose to return to the Blog Category section or the All Posts section.

Also, if, at any point, you want to return to this Blog home page, just click 'BLOG' in the banner menu at the top of the page.

Finally, when reading blog posts, keep an eye out for green text – click on this and it will bring you to other blogs, interesting articles, etc.

Blog Categories

blog categories

Website Update BLOG Mammal Names thumbnail.png
Website Update BLOG Human Evolution thumbnail.png
Website Update BLOG Megafaunal Extinctions thumbnail.png
Website Update BLOG Mammal Origins thumbnail.png
Website Update BLOG Ice Age thumbnail.png
Website Update BLOG Land Evolution thumbnail.png
Website Update BLOG Irish Reptiles thumbnail.png
Website Update BLOG Irish Surnames thumbnail.png
Website Update BLOG Early Invaders thumbnail.png
All Posts

all posts

support this project

It is a joy to work on The Evolution of Ireland project, but also very hard work at the best of times. You could contribute greatly to the completion of this project simply by following me on Instagram and Twitter and liking my posts, reading my blogs and MiniMags and sharing them, or just by sharing this website using the social media buttons below.

If you would like to go even further, you could make a financial contribution to this project.

A variety of rewards are available for contributions from €10 to €500, but contributors are also free to make a contribution of any size they choose, and even to contribute in the form of a monthly donation rather than a one-off payment.

Please click on The Evolution of Ireland logo below to make a contribution.

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© Stephen Daly 2024

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